
[经典] 成人劇情片~色欲先生O. The Story of Richard O [中文字幕]


成人劇情片~色欲先生O. The Story of Richard O [中文字幕]

【影片片名】:成人劇情片~色欲先生O [中文字幕]
【影片譯名】:The Story of Richard O (2007)
【影片又名】:理查德·奧的歷史/色慾先生/ O先生的故事.
【平均評價】:★★★★★→ 5.0 顆星.
【影片大小】:718 MB   
【影片格式】:WMV   【D9→轉製WMV】
【視頻尺寸】:900X504 (清晰優質版)
【影片演員】:Mathieu Amalric. Rhizlaine El Cohen, Stephane Terpereau, Alexandra Sollogoub, Caroline Demangel. Ludmila Ruoso. Marianne Costa. Lucie Borleteau. Valerie Bert. Elise Receveur. Anissa Feriani. Mai Anh Le. Tiara Comte. Christiane. Jose.
【檔案數目】:1個WMV+13個圖片群 (種子內有圖)
【語種發音】:法語對白. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片內容】:時裝. 成人. 劇情. 色情. 性愛.激情. 淫幻. 性慾. 等.
【影片片商】:BAC. Films.製作.
【內容附註】:※片內不加入自己ID, 亦不植入竊佔為己有的炫耀水印字語.
【回覆附註】:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!!
【驗證碼】:031421e4e934f45ea24ec00aa800dcf3d34e96cc 【首-发 400ii.com】
【種子期限】:完30種後5天內不定期補種 (3週後刪檔)



    性解放運動已經過了四十年,男女性事是否真的得到解放,實屬見仁見智;不過男性對性的觀念,始終擺脫不了征服這兩個字。揚言要把性慾、獸性與藝術融為一體的法國導演戴米安奧度,果然把這個意念付諸行動,開拍了《色慾O先生》,給大眾來個坦蕩蕩的色慾大全。 故事主人翁O先生因癡情女友的生仔逼婚意慾嚇得一身大汗,於是興起另找理想性伴的意慾,並且實行來一次街上調查,美其名是調查性觀念,實際上是自我縱情聲色。在街上邂逅十三個女郎,O先生的性愛馬拉松亦由是開始且愈跑愈起勁,性事的開放程度亦愈來愈開放,什麼姿態,什麼三點盡露,什麼人慾橫流,一次過全部毫無保留的給觀眾看清看楚,全裸的膽量可謂史無前例,什麼《色,戒》易先生都要靠邊站,法國人性開放一點也不假,有此為證。 負責此坦蕩蕩行動的O先生,不是別人,正是憑《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》獲得數十項影帝大獎的法國實力派型男馬蒂爾艾馬力。由於要以肌肉示人,馬蒂爾在導演的要求下,開拍前先接受體能訓練,否則毫無美感的體形徒令人噁心。導演戴米安奧度希望電影不單止展現肉體,更希望能帶出性的詩意,更深層的是,影片亦有著諷刺社會和人性,探討性慾的意義。就因為這個緣故,O先生處於萬劫不復的位置,叫人驚異。 『首发 d4vv.com』


片子裏,女孩的性幻想千七百怪,被強暴或是在廁所裏做愛,相較之下都太過平凡。有的女孩想被跟蹤,但跟蹤的過程中,她每每在跟蹤對象快要 跟丟或想要放棄時,故意拉起裙子露出沒穿小褲的臀部,勾引對方繼續跟蹤。有的女孩想被言語羞辱,有的女孩希望在睡夢中被粗魯地幹醒,有的女孩在讓做愛的對 象看她斷腿的傷口,還有的女孩相信懂得蒙古摔角對做愛有幫助(于是O先生真的去學摔角,像是沙包被丟來摔去)。

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  Anyone ever fallen asleep watching pornography? The Story of Richard O. almost has that effect. Starring The Diving Bell and the Butterfly’s Mathieu Amalric as sex addict Richard O., the 75-minute film is an erotic journey by Richard though 13 sexual encounters with some attractive, and some not-so attractive, females. This sums up the whole film; even the official synopsis cannot offer anything more than ‘In the sultry summer month of August, Richard O. encounters a series of seductive women in Paris and willingly descends into the tortuous mysteries of eroticism.’ But what can you say? It is a French film, and from Marquis de Sade to Serge Gainsbourg we are taught to believe the French are good at - if not obsessed by - finding the deeper meaning in love and lust.

    The film was first shown at the HK International Film Festival (HKIFF) back in March and the tag line for its current promotional campaign indicates that audiences first hold their breath, then they are in an uproar and then there is heated discussion. The first two are true, I believe, as frequent scenes of full frontal - and back - nudity, sex in public spaces and erections are not something we often see in local cinemas. Recall how people, especially the local media, were shocked by the sex scenes in Lust, Caution last year (a girl actually screamed in the screening I attended). But as for heated discussion, I am not so sure. After the screening, the first thing my friend could say to me was, “Wow, this is high-end pornography!” (首-发 7777ii.com)

    While The Story of Richard O. has no apparent intention to explore a deeper meaning to sex - like the cliched escape from the fear of life and death or from responsibilities etc - but is the simple and direct description of a sexual journey, it is still disappointing. The sex scenes are not particularly subversive, savage or poetic, any one of those would at least make the film more remarkable. The actual eye catcher in this film is the bizarrely tall and somewhat ugly Stephane Terpereau playing Richard O.’s friend (yes, his character doesn’t have a name), who, despite his weird physicality, engages in a blissful relationship with a sexy and wonderful woman he used to peep at. They look so awkward together, yet they actually bring warmth and sweetness to the end of the film. Another plus is the music from Canadian band Buck 65, which goes some way towards making the film enjoyable through its 75 minutes. If it wasn’t for that, yes, I would have soon nodded off, even though the movie is not pornography. At least it is not supposed to be. 【首-发 400ii.com】


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